16 June 2021, Wednesday
From a speech at the Second Summit on Science and Technology of the OIC
During 30 years of occupation, Armenia has deliberately destroyed all cultural and religious sites of Azerbaijan in the occupied territories....
16 June 2021, Wednesday
From a speech at the Second Summit on Science and Technology of the OIC
Azerbaijan resolved the 30-years-long conflict and restored its territorial integrity and historical justice by military-political means....
16 June 2021, Wednesday
From a speech at the Second Summit on Science and Technology of the OIC
We highly appreciate the consistent support of the OIC for the just position of Azerbaijan with regard to Armenia’s military aggression....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
Despite the 30 years of occupation, Shusha did not bend, preserved its national spirit, dignity, and waited for us....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The building of Shusha governor's office was built during the time of my late father....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The second Karabakh war is now in the past....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The statements made here in our ancient city of Shusha today will reverberate across the whole world....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The Declaration contains unequivocal statements about the opening of the Zangazur corridor....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The matters related to the defense industry and mutual military assistance are reflected in this Declaration....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The Joint Declaration refers to the historic Kars Agreement....
15 June 2021, Tuesday
From the joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Turkey for the press
The Joint Declaration, the Declaration on Allied Relations, signed today elevates our relations to the highest level....
President of Azerbaijan on basic issues of state building