15 October 2021, Friday
From a speech at the CIS Heads of State Council's session
The volume of heroin we have seized on other sections of the Azerbaijan-Iran border has doubled compared to the same period of previous years....
15 October 2021, Friday
From a speech at the CIS Heads of State Council's session
Over the past year, after Azerbaijan had regained control over the 130-kilometer section of the state border with Iran...
15 October 2021, Friday
From a speech at the CIS Heads of State Council's session
In the city of Shusha, Armenia has destroyed 16 out of 17 mosques that existed there before the occupation....
15 October 2021, Friday
From a speech at the CIS Heads of State Council's session
Since the war ended, more than 150 Azerbaijani citizens have been killed or seriously injured by landmines....
15 October 2021, Friday
From a speech at the CIS Heads of State Council's session
The post-conflict period has been generally calm....
13 October 2021, Wednesday
From an interview with Italian La Repubblica newspaper
We reject all the accusations about Azerbaijan bringing Israel to the liberated territories....
13 October 2021, Wednesday
From an interview with Italian La Repubblica newspaper
No one can impose its will on us....
13 October 2021, Wednesday
From an interview with Italian La Repubblica newspaper
No other country can or should try to influence Azerbaijan’s decisions....
13 October 2021, Wednesday
From an interview with Italian La Repubblica newspaper
No other country can or should try to influence Azerbaijan’s decisions....
12 October 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
The war is over. The conflict has been resolved,...
02 October 2021, Saturday
From an interview with Spanish EFE news agency
The deposits of the proven reserve of natural gas in Azerbaijan are 2.6 trillion cubic meters....
02 October 2021, Saturday
From an interview with Spanish EFE news agency
We supported the proposal of the Turkish president of this regional cooperation platform 3+3....
02 October 2021, Saturday
From an interview with Spanish EFE news agency
The EU can do a lot, and we are ready to use this opportunity and we trust the EU as an honest broker....
02 October 2021, Saturday
From an interview with Spanish EFE news agency
EU can help us in delimitation, EU can help us in the opening of communications, and also post-war development....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
25,000 Armenians live in Karabakh....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
If we see that there is a threat to us in Armenia, then we will have to eliminate this threat....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
From a strategic point of view, we approach the future through the prism of reconciliation, because I want there to be no more war....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
It is no coincidence that representatives of the Armenian community have already approached our military positions in Shusha several times asking to...
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
We in Azerbaijan have started large-scale work in connection with the creation of the Zangazur corridor....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
On the issue of Armenia’s borders, one should comprehend the reality today....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
Overall though, the activities of the Russian peacekeeping forces can be assessed positively....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
“Nagorno-Karabakh”, a nonexistent entity, have a status?...
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
We stopped any kind of communication with Reporters Without Borders NGO many years ago....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
We were ready to provide Armenians in Azerbaijan with a certain level of self-governance, but Armenians always rejected it....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
In my statements you will never find any sign of territorial claims....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
We need to talk about the future, we need to talk about peace, and how to make our region mo re stable and safe....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
Azerbaijan never, even during the war, during the occupation, never objected any kind of high level contacts....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with France 24 TV channel
The war is over....
28 September 2021, Tuesday
From an interview with Turkish Anadolu Agency
If all neighbors built their relations like Turkey and Azerbaijan, then there would be no wars in the world....
24 September 2021, Friday
From an interview with Russian “Natsionalnaya oborona” magazine
All the facts of war crimes during the war have been documented...
President of Azerbaijan on basic issues of state building